Volunteer Application
We are always looking for new volunteers. Using the form below, please tell us which areas you would like to get involved in. If you don't have any experience, we have theatre mentors who will help you every step of the way.
Directing, Production Co-ordinator, Stage Manager, Backstage Assistant, Set Designing, Set Decor, Set Build Foreman, Set Building, Set Painting, Lighting Designing, Lighting Operation, Sound Designing, Sound Operation, Sourcing/making Props, Rehearsal Prompt, Costume Sourcing, Costume Design, Sewing or Alterations, Wardrobe Maintenance, Ticket Selling, Ushering, Bartending, Organising Social Activities, Auditions Day Helper, Catering, Publicity, Marketing, Promotional Help.
Please note that volunteers must be 16 years of age or older, and permanent residents of New Zealand.